Later Wednesday
They were returning from visiting a neighbor who lives in an abandoned quarry. Liz and Susan took me over there after raving like maniacs. Lots of metal sculptures set in a multi-level blasted out quarry. The most fascinating part of it was my first-hand look at fossils:
Well, still having trouble loading photos – see later
Figured it Out!!!
The place was loaded with them.
Thursday 801018
Somehow, I decided to go fishing with Rick Eadie and Mike’s neighbor Warren. Warren is a very interesting guy – USAF veteran, retired Postmaster, retired teacher, semi-retired substitute teacher and a fishing nut with no sense of humor. *(He didn’t laugh at my jokes – warped, right?)
He has more lures and tackle than Bass Pro Shop, all neatly stored in huge cases, beautiful rods, and a tricked out pontoon boat that has 3 hulls, is very stable and will do 42 MPH! (Sun Catcher 22′ Fish and Sun Model)
My expectations the night before were low and they were met. Rick got a lake trout (8-10 lb Says Rick; more like ounces) and that was it. However, now I can say that I fished Lake Ontario. Better: 5:45 AM on the lake:
Susan is loving hanging with the Sis’s. They are recovering furniture, squabbling like wet hens and loving every moment.
Friday 081018
We wear out our welcome and leave the Mike and Liz to contemplate the silence in our absence. We head to Canandaigua Lake. Say it 3 times fast and you got it! Nice place. Reminiscent of Sleepless In Seattle, there are boat houses and Lyttle streets, a nice public beach and an abandoned steel framework of a 7 story hotel.
Dumb photographer cut off the street name after some effort to properly frame the photo. Oh Well…
We had a great dinner in a bar called the Red Dog Tavern in Geneva. Ostrich burgers!! Then to a performance of Roomfull of Jazz at Finger Lakes Live.
Saturday 081118
Slept late; can’t keep this old dog out that late…
Thinking about Billy…and how very fortunate I am…
Antiquing and will jump in the Lake…