Riding the Lake Express Ferry from Muskegon Mi to Milwaukie Wi. First Time Zone change!!

Since the last note, we have seen a lot and done little.

Detroit: We started the day coming through a tunnel from Windsor. Customs a breeze. The officer was thrilled that we were traveling the US and chatted us up while a line of 20 cars behind us waited.

We drove the city a little – very clean. We saw Tiger Stadium

We located a park (Marsius) (sp) that was famous for just hanging out. We parked and walked into a street music festival.

We went into the PARC restaurant and

Bloodies were great and made ourselves. We walked the festival and went back to lunch at PARC. Great food. Thanks to Kyle (the bartender) and Scott (manager). Scott recommended we go to Torch Lake near Traverse City, a place selected by SG. Later about that.

I had bought a tour from a Tours & Travel app. If you ever see this guy while in Detroit,

RUN! He was billed as a non-professional that had a great love for Detroit. The only thing he loved was walking our as…. off to get in his 3 hours. What we saw was cool but I finally had to rent bikes to see a few things.


Old Railroad station now owned by Ford – spending $722M to convert to a driverless car research center. By the time Ford renovates this wreck, we will all be self levitating and cars will be obsolete.

Back to PARC to quench thirst after wearing out 3 pairs of hiking boots…

Stayed at a Red Roof Inn in Dearborn. Not the best choice but SG liked it because it was CHEAP. Had a lousy sushi dinner and the next day discovered we were very close to excellent food.

We toured the Ford Museum of American Innovation. By itself it was worth the trip!!!

Rosa Parks Bus


For Matt

For Lou

For The Coles Family


Headed to Traverse City with a plan to stay 3 nights. LUCKED in to a restaurant called Poppycocks on Front St. Wonderful food. Traverse City is in northwestern Michigan but well before the Upper Peninsula.

this is a pasta cooker, powered by steam that circulates in each kettle and heats the pasta water or sauce etc.  Fast, perfect

082118. The next day it rained and we went shopping….yeah…shopping in a cool little village nicknamed Fishtown. Remote, quaint, peaceful little town with a very unusual name – Leland. No foolin’.

Leland Fishtown Directly on Lake Michigan

So while there, this lady walked by us with a sweat shirt slogan I hae heard wayyyyy toooo often

082218: we are in desperate need of exercise so we rented bikes and rode @15-20 miles on flat land around Traverse City. It is at the foot of West Traverse Bay and the heart of Cherry Country. Loved it. Ate again at Poppycock. Went to the top of the tallest building in town at night and saw the lake and region. Nice…too bad the summer lasts a nanosecond.

082318. On the way to the ferry in Muskegon we stopped in a little town called Manistee. Really cute – a local museum that puts Frankie’s junk store in Fairfield to shame. The town was build on timber mills and shipments by water and railroad. It has retained and refurbished its Main Street and there is a lot in the region. Between this town and Traverse City, it is a good pick for a summer vacation and antiquing.

Ferry is a hydroplane carrying 40+ cars at 32 knots!!